Assign company account to projects
Assign projects to a company account (from the account perspective)
To assign projects to an already registered company account, go to: [Registration Tasks → Company Account Approval → Explicit Project Assignment → Account Perspective]
After selecting the company to which projects are intended to be assigned, the Projects category can be expanded below the table and new projects can be added via the plus symbol
In the mask that opens, projects can be selected for assignment
With a click on the tick symbol the selection is taken over
Finally, the assignment must be confirmed
Assigning projects to a company account (from the project perspective)
To assign projects to an already registered company account, go to the navigator: [Registration Tasks → Company Account Approval → Explicit Project Assignment → Project Perspective]
After selecting the project to which company accounts are to be assigned, the category Company accounts can be opened below the table and new companies can be added via the plus symbol
In the mask that opens, companies can be selected for assignment
With a click on the tick symbol the selection is taken over
Finally, the assignment must be confirmed
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