Contractors manage data about their own company as well as their own employees and employees of subcontractors.
Typical tasks include the recording of employees who are deployed to the client's project and the continuous provision of necessary company and employee certificates
Tasks from the perspective of the contractor
Common Tasks
- Firma registrieren
- Firmenaccount aktivieren
- Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen
- Benutzeraccount bearbeiten
- Alle Benutzer anzeigen
- Benutzer-Passwort zurücksetzen
- Abfrage-Dialoge reduzieren
- Datenanzeige aktualisieren
- Datenanzeige filtern
- Datenanzeige sortieren
- Datenanzeige durchsuchen
- Spalten der Datenanzeige ein-/ausblenden
- Stapelverarbeitung von Nachweisdokumenten
If you have any further questions, please contact your first level support at your client (operator).